

Moving forward into the New Year with sufficient energy to do all the things you want to will require attention to your daily intake of magnesium. This mineral is involved in enzyme activity, especially the enzymes involved in energy production in our body. As you'll...

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Vitamin B12

The name vitamin B12 is misleading as this is not one single vitamin but the general name for a group of essential biological compounds known as cobalamins; so named because they carry the element cobalt, much like hemoglobin carries iron. It is best taken in a...

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Skin, Hair and Nails

You wouldn't think to consider skin, hair and nails together, would you? However, these three are all inter-related and generally require the same vitamins and minerals to maintain them in their best condition. Our skin is our body's largest organ, cradling and...

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While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Children and teens need even more. And, despite the notion that sleep needs decrease with age, older people...

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Lycopene is a phytochemical (any biologically active compound found in plants) found in red fruits and vegetables such as pink grapefruit, papaya, seabuckthorn, goji, rosehips and watermelon. These fruits get their red coloring from the carotenoid pigment lycopene...

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Your Kidneys

Your kidneys are the master chemists in your body and maintain the purity and constancy of your internal fluids. Much like a city’s water filtration plant that keeps the water supply drinkable and disposes of its waste, the kidneys are usually unappreciated until...

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Migraines & Headaches

Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints heard by doctors today. Approximately 45 million people suffer recurring headaches every year. And when you can't think, you can't work so headaches end up costing employers an estimated $50 billion per year....

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Multiple Sclerosis

Once considered to be strictly an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, we now know that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder. "Activated" cells of the immune system travel from the body into the central nervous system via the blood-brain...

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Sun Protection

So what is the ultimate sun protection? Shade! As funny as that sounds, staying in the shade is your best protection from sun damage during these hot summer months. If that's not a possibility, or if you just love the feel of the sun on your skin, there are ways to...

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The Bittersweet Truth – Chocolate

Pass up the berries and green tea and pass out the chocolate! The same element that gives tea and berries their health benefits is in certain types of chocolate. The trick is knowing which kind. According to a study published in the Journal of American Medical...

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Adrenal Health

Sitting atop each kidney are small, yet vital, organs called adrenal glands. These little powerhouses are involved in myriad essential functions affecting our body such as immune function, producing hormones, regulating stress levels, bodily responses to stress, blood...

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Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is part of the complex of B vitamins which act as coenzymes. We've all heard the term "coenzyme" but what does it mean? Well, let's put this into a more logical order: An enzyme is "a protein, produced in cells, that acts as a catalyst speeding up the rate...

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