July Is National Baked Beans Month – Show Us Yours!

Time for a little summer fun. As July is National Baked Beans Month, we thought it would be fun to invite our customers to ‘show us your home made baked beans’.

Send us a photo of your favourite baked beans, in the pot, on the plate, up to you. Include the recipe if you wish. We’ll publish some of the photo’s and recipes in our August and September Newsletters.

 From all photo entries received, we’ll draw a winner for a $100.00 Nutters Gift Card. Plus, for the draw winner, if you send your recipe, we’ll also publish it in a follow up Newsletter, with your permission.

So, ramp up your BBQ season with your favourite Baked Bean photo and recipe. We’ll look forward to seeing ‘whatcha got’ and sharing some of the highlights with other Nutters fans. Oh, and remember, Nutters has beans galore, pick a kind, we probably have it.

Send your photo and recipe to: medicinehat@nutters.com. Be sure to include your contact information so we are able to reach out to you if you are winner of the draw.

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