“Eat more greens?”
Remember when your mom and grandma told you to “Eat more greens?” Well guess
what, they were right! Thousands of published scienti c studies from around the world
have con rmed the healthy wisdom of what mom and grandma always said. And that’s
not all! Now the latest research also tells us to eat the blues, the reds, the yellows, and
all the other colours every day in order to get the full spectrum of colourful phyto
(plant) nutrients we need to be healthy and active.
But that’s not always easy to do, is it?
That’s why Prairie Naturals researches and formulates all the Colours of Health into
tasty, instant, drink mixes for daily use! Our concentrated drink mix powders are made
with selected fruits, berries and super green foods to provide the wide array of
antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients you need for healthy hearts, eyes,
brains, skin, digestion, immunity and aging.
The following booklet is FULL of amazing information and recipes from Prairie Naturals on how to add more superfoods to your everyday!